Variable reference |
SPIN_COLOR | Pin color |
SOCKET_COLOR | Color of plastic body |
dipsocket.pl [-?] [-d] [-r|-c] N P TC W A B H K [m] [h] [E] [T] [d1] [d2]
-?,--help - this help screen
-r,--round-pins - this help screen
-c,--rectangular-pins - this help screen
-d,--debug - display debug coordinates and planes,
include debug info into output file
N - Number of pins
P - Pitch
TC - Width
W - Width/diasmeter of pin
A - Body width
B - Body length
H - Body height
K - Elevation
Optional parameters:
m - number of crossbars
h - Pin length (for round pin type)
or edge extension (for rectangular pin type)
E - Edge height
T - Thickness of pin
d1 - diameter of middle part of pin
d2 - diameter of top part of pin