Script overview
Component name | VRML generator | Footprint generator |
Radial LED diode, round | | |
Radial LED diode, square | | |
VRML Model generators
| [-?] [-d] [-r] [-v|-h|-hu|-hd] H D W L d [k] [M] [t] [b] [h] [-?] [-d] -c [-v|-h|-hu|-hd] H A B L d [k] [M] [t] [b] [h] Options: -?,--help - this help screen -d,--debug - display debug coordinates and planes -r,--round - round body (default) -c,--rectangular - rectangular body -v,--vertical - vertical mount style (default) -h,--horizontal - horizontal mount style (up side) -hu,--horizontal-up - horizontal mount style (swing up) -hd,--horizontal-down - horizontal mount style (swing down) Parameters: H - Body height D - Outer diameter W - Inner diameter A - Body depth B - Body width L - Lead distance d - Lead diameter Optional parameters: k - elevation M - Inner lead distance t - additional elevation b - body elevation (for horizontal mount only) h - edge height |
Footprint generator
| [-?] [-m] [-M] [-rb|-ab] [-r|-c|-p|-l] [-v|-h|-hu|-hd] nm C X d R1 R2 [W] [cx] [mx] [rd] Options: -?,--help - this help screen -m,--manual-soldering - adjust pad size for manual soldering -M,--manual-drill - adjust drill diameter for manual PCB fabrication -rb,--round-body - round body type -ab,--angular-body - rectangular body type -r,--resistor - resistor -c,--capacitor - capacitor -p,--polarized-capacitor - polarized capacitor -l,--led - inductor -v,--vertical - vertical mount style (default) -h,--horizontal - horizontal mount style (up side) -hu,--horizontal-up - horizontal mount style (swing up) -hd,--horizontal-down - horizontal mount style (swing down) Parameters: nm - footprint name C - distance of pin centers X - height/diameter of pin d - finished hole diameter R1 - silkscreen width/diameter R2 - silkscreen height Optional parameters: W - lead offset cx - clearance mx - mask rd - reference designator |
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