Pin headers

Script overview

Component nameVRML generatorFootprint generator
Pin header,
Pin header,
Shrouded pin header,
Shrouded pin header,

VRML Model generators

Variable reference
PIN_COLORColor of metalic pins
BODY_COLORColor of plastic body
JUMPER_nIf set, jumper at position n is displayed;
model has to be generated with jumpers;
this variable applies to pin headers with 2 rows
JUMPER_n_COLORJumper color; replace n by position number;
this variable applies to pin headers with 2 rows
JUMPER_RmPnIf set, jumper at row m and position n
is displayed; model has to be generated with jumpers;
this variable applies to pin headers with more than 2 rows
JUMPER_RmPn_COLORJumper color; replace m by row number and n by position number;
this variable applies to pin headers with more than 2 rows [-d] [-?] [-r|-s] [-nj|-j|-js|-jl] R P Pr Pp d H h T A B [-d] [-?] [-r|-s] [-nj|-j|-js|-jl] R P Pr Pp d H h T r

  -?,--help           - this help screen
  -d,--debug          - display debug coordinates and planes,
                        include debug info into output file
  -r,--round          - round pin type
  -s,--square         - square pin type
  -nj,--no-jumper     - this help screen
  -j,--jumper         - this help screen
  -js,--jumper-short  - this help screen
  -jl,--jumper-long   - this help screen
  R  - number of rows
  P  - number of positions
  Pr - positions pitch
  Pp - rows pitch
  d  - pin thickness
  H  - length of top part
  h  - length of bottom part
  T  - height of plastic body
  A  - length of body
  B  - width of body
  r  - slope
Variable reference
PIN_COLORColor of metalic pins
BODY_COLORColor of plastic body
JUMPER_nIf set, jumper at position n is displayed;
model has to be generated with jumpers;
this variable applies to pin headers with 2 rows
JUMPER_n_COLORJumper color; replace n by position number;
this variable applies to pin headers with 2 rows
JUMPER_RmPnIf set, jumper at row m and position n
is displayed; model has to be generated with jumpers;
this variable applies to pin headers with more than 2 rows
JUMPER_RmPn_COLORJumper color; replace m by row number and n by position number;
this variable applies to pin headers with more than 2 rows [-d] [-?] [-r|-s] [-nj|-j|-js|-jl] R P Pr Pp d H h T W A B [-d] [-?] [-r|-s] [-nj|-j|-js|-jl] R P Pr Pp d H h T W r

  -?,--help           - this help screen
  -d,--debug          - display debug coordinates and planes,
                        include debug info into output file
  -r,--round          - round pin type
  -s,--square         - square pin type
  -nj,--no-jumper     - this help screen
  -j,--jumper         - this help screen
  -js,--jumper-short  - this help screen
  -jl,--jumper-long   - this help screen
  R  - number of rows
  P  - number of positions
  Pr - positions pitch
  Pp - rows pitch
  d  - pin thickness
  H  - length of top part
  h  - length of bottom part
  T  - height of plastic body
  W  - distance from plastic body to first pin row
  A  - length of body
  B  - width of body
  r  - slope
Variable reference
PIN_COLORColor of metalic pins
BODY_COLORColor of plastic body [-d] [-?] [-r|-s] R P Pr Pp d H h T [A] [B] [a] [b] [D] [k]

  -?,--help           - this help screen
  -d,--debug          - display debug coordinates and planes,
                        include debug info into output file
  -r,--round          - round pin type
  -s,--square         - square pin type
  R  - number of rows
  P  - number of positions
  Pr - positions pitch
  Pp - rows pitch
  d  - pin thickness
  H  - length of top part
  h  - length of bottom part
  T  - height of plastic body
Optional parameters:
  A  - outer length of body
  B  - outer width of body
  a  - inner length of body
  b  - inner width of body
  D  - height of body
  k  - key width
Variable reference
PIN_COLORColor of metalic pins
BODY_COLORColor of plastic body [-d] [-?] [-r|-s] R P Pr Pp d H h T W [A] [B] [a] [b] [D] [k]

  -?,--help           - this help screen
  -d,--debug          - display debug coordinates and planes,
                        include debug info into output file
  -r,--round          - round pin type
  -s,--square         - square pin type
  R  - number of rows
  P  - number of positions
  Pr - positions pitch
  Pp - rows pitch
  d  - pin thickness
  H  - length of top part
  h  - length of bottom part
  T  - height of plastic body
  W  - distance from plastic body to first pin row
Optional parameters:
  A  - outer length of body
  B  - outer width of body
  a  - inner length of body
  b  - inner width of body
  D  - height of body
  k  - key width

Footprint generator [-?] [-m] [-M] [ -v | -a ] [-s] [ -lt | -lb | -rt | -rb ] [ -dh | -dv | -dc ] nm R P Pr Pp X d R1 R2
               [cx] [mx] [rd] [W] [H]

  -?,--help              - this help screen
  -m,--manual-soldering    - adjust pad size for manual soldering
  -M,--manual-drill        - adjust drill diameter for manual PCB fabrication
  -v,--vertical          - vertical (straight) connector (default)
  -a,--angled            - angled connector
  -s,--shrouded          - shrouded connector
  -lt,--left-top         - pin 1 is in left-top corner
  -lb,--left-bottom      - pin 1 is in left-bottom corner
  -rt,--right-top        - pin 1 is in right-top corner (default)
  -rb,--right-bottom     - pin 1 is in right-bottom corner
  -dh,--dir-horizontal   - horizontal numbering (default)
  -dv,--dir-vertical     - vertical numbering
  -dc,--dir-circular     - circular numbering (for 2 rows only)
  nm - footprint name
  R  - offset of left-side pad (or both pads)
  P  - offset of left-side pad (or both pads)
  Pr - offset of left-side pad (or both pads)
  Pp - offset of left-side pad (or both pads)
  X  - pad diameter
  d  - finished hole diameter
  R1 - silkscreen height
  R2 - silkscreen height
Optional parameters:
  cx - clearance
  mx - mask diameter
  rd - reference designator

  W  - distance from pins to body (for angled only)
  H  - Pin length (for angled only)


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