DIP family

Script overview

Component nameVRML generatorFootprint generator
DIP familydip.plfp-dip.pl

VRML Model generators

Variable reference
PIN_COLORPin color
BODY_COLORColor of plastic body
LABEL_COLORColor of labels and logo
LABEL11st line of device label; if not defined,
label is not displayed
LABEL_POS1Relative position from center
LABEL_SIZE1Label size
LABEL22nd line of device label; if not defined,
label is not displayed
LABEL_POS2Relative position from center
LABEL_SIZE2Label size
LABEL33rd line of device label; if not defined,
label is not displayed
LABEL_POS3Relative position from center
LABEL_SIZE3Label size
LOGOLogo outline, defined as set of X Y pairs,
separated by comma: X1 Y1, X2 Y2, … ;
if not defined,
logo is not displayed
LOGO_POSRelative position of logo from center
LOGO_SCALEScale of label
  dip.pl [-?] [-d] N P TC W T A B H K [h]

     -?,--help  - this help screen
     -d,--debug - display debug coordinates and planes,
                include debug info into output file
     N  - Number of pins
     P  - Pitch
     TC - Width
     W  - Width of pin
     T  - Thickness of pin
     A  - Body length
     B  - Body width
     H  - Body height
     K  - Elevation
  Optional parameters:
     h  - Pin length

Footprint generator

  fp-dip.pl [-?] [-m] [-M] nm N C P X d R1 R2 [cx] [mx] [rd]

    -?,--help             - this help screen
    -m,--manual-soldering - adjust pad size for manual soldering
    -M,--manual-drill     - adjust drill diameter for manual PCB fabrication
    nm - footprint name
    N  - number of pins
    C  - distance between centers of pad
    P  - pitch
    X  - diameter of pad
    d  - finished hole diameter
    R1 - silkscreen width
    R2 - silkscreen height
  Optional parameters:
    cx - clearance
    mx - mask
    rd - reference designator


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